Splunk Securities Settlement

This official website is maintained by the Claims Administrator under the supervision of Lead Counsel in the action titled In re Splunk Inc. Securities Litigation, Case No. 4:20-cv-08600-JST, pending in the United States District Court Northern District of California.

The information contained on this website is only a summary of the information presented in more detail in the Notice of (I) Pendency of Class Action and Proposed Settlement; (II) Settlement Hearing; and (III) Motion for Attorneys’ Fees and Litigation Expenses (the “Notice”), which you can access by clicking here . Since this website is just a summary, you should review the Notice for additional details.

Lead Plaintiff Louisiana Sheriffs’ Pension & Relief Fund, on behalf of itself and the Settlement Class, has settled the Action for $30,000,000.00 in cash (the “Settlement”).

On February 22, 2024, the Court held a hearing to consider final approval of the Settlement and other matters. On March 4, 2024, the Court entered a final order approving the Settlement and Plan of Allocation and an order approving Lead Counsel’s motion for attorney's fees and litigation expenses.

If you are a member of the Settlement Class, you are subject to the Settlement, unless you timely requested to be excluded. The Settlement Class consists of:

All persons or entities who purchased or otherwise acquired the common stock of Splunk during the period from May 21, 2020 through December 2, 2020, inclusive, and continued to hold any Splunk common stock after December 2, 2020.

Excluded from the Settlement Class by definition are: (i) Defendants, (ii) any current or former Officers and directors of Splunk; (iii) the Immediate Family Members of the foregoing excluded persons; (iv) any entity that any Defendant or any of Defendants’ Immediate Family Members owns or controls, or owned or controlled during the Class Period; and (v) the legal representatives, heirs, agents, affiliates, successors or assigns of any excluded persons. Also excluded from the Settlement Class are any persons or entities who or which excluded themselves by submitting a request for exclusion.

Please read the Notice to fully understand your rights. A copy of the Notice can be found in the menu on the top of this page.

The claims administration was completed in July 2024. On July 23, 2024, the Motion for Approval of Distribution Plan was filed. On August 12, 2024, the Court entered the Order Approving the Distribution Plan. The first distribution of the net settlement fund occurred in August 2024. Subsequent distributions will occur on a rolling basis provided that net settlement funds are available.